Maintaining your emotional wellbeing the Shinrin-Yoku way
We all recognise
that being outdoors makes us happy. It may come as no surprise that happiness
and well-being are important factors which help protect against mental and
physical disorders. But did you know that being outdoors is actually
scientifically proven to aid in improving many mental and physical diseases
and can even mimic medications for those ailments?
at King’s College London found that being outdoors, seeing trees and the
natural sunlight, hearing birdsong, spotting the blue sky and feeling in
contact with nature increases our feelings of wellbeing (1). Numerous
such studies has helped us understand that we have certain neurotransmitters that
we need to keep in balance for our wellbeing, such as:
- Serotonin – our “happy hormone”
High levels of prolonged stress, rob us of Serotonin. Conversely, experiments have shown that the rate of production of serotonin by the brain increases when we’re exposed to natural sunlight.
- Dopamine – the “wow” chemical.
Another neurotransmitter which is really important is dopamine. Its an important part of the brain’s reward system because its the messenger substance or neurotransmitter that conveys signals between neurons, when you feel that surge of elation when something really special happens.
Deficiency in dopamine levels can cause some imbalance in our life. A lack of dopamine is associated with fatigue, apathy, lack of focus, forgetfulness, moodiness, difficulty concentrating, insomnia and even sugar cravings.
There are many unhealthy ways to seek out a “dopamine fix”, such as nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs, caffeine, and sugar-laden, fat-filled treats - all very effective at increasing dopamine levels and can, in turn, be the root cause of addictive behaviour in our life. However, these things that provide a quick boost end up disrupting the natural dopamine production process resulting in decreased dopamine production in the long-term.
Researchers have found being outdoors helped stop obsessive thoughts and negative emotions. Studies also found that those who walked in nature and received the most sunlight exposure have the highest density of dopamine receptors. Have you ever noticed that when you are in nature, you feel elated and almost instantaneously have a sense of calm and peace?
- Cortisol – the stress hormone
There is a third brain chemical, a
hormone called cortisol. Its incredibly important. It’s the fight or flight
hormone. So, if you were being chased by a tiger, a surge of this coming from
the adrenal cortex would give you the capacity to run really quick and escape.
But, if its constantly produced, it becomes essentially the stress hormone.
During lockdown, many are producing a lot of stress hormone because we have
been plunged into very unusual times that we are not used to. This has caused
stress in all sorts of ways. As a result, the cortisol levels have gone right
up in our brain.
Phytoncides – forest perfume
Phytoncide is a substance emitted by plants and trees. "Phyton" means "plant" in Latin, and "cide" means to exterminate. Phytoncides are produced to help plants and trees protect themselves from harmful insects and germs.
Numerous studies have shown that both exercising in nature and simply sitting looking at trees, relaxing while breathing in phytoncides, reduces blood pressure as well as the stress-related hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Being in nature also enhances your natural immunity because stress inhibits the immune system.
In Japan, a forest bathing trip,
called “Shinrin-yoku”, is a short, leisurely visit to a forest. Shinrin in
Japanese means “forest,” and yoku means “bath.” So shinrin-yoku means bathing
in the forest atmosphere, or taking in the forest through our senses.
How Shinrin-yoku
can help
What researchers in Japan found was that a dose of nature can reassert the balance between all of these chemicals. So, a walk in nature, listening to song bird, noticing the flora and fauna, inhaling phytoncides, helps the body function in a more balanced way, regulating its functions and changing the way it protects itself against viruses, bacteria, and cancer. These effects can last between seven days and a month after having just spent a few hours or a couple days of forest bathing. The studies on phytoncides and human health are both numerous and conclusive.
Nature helps. It doesn’t solve all of our mental health problems but it helps some of them.
(1 King’s College
London (2018). Study suggests exposure to trees, the sky and birdsong in cities
beneficial for mental wellbeing
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